Precise, accurate and efficient search in google

by GOKILAVANI 2014-04-15 09:44:18

File type:
To search for particular file type in google.

html tutorial file type: ppt
java programs file type: pdf
program for factorial file type: php


The first step in online search is keyword search.

Using less than five keywords is the common mistake made by users.

Using a few input words for search will lead to diluted search results. As internet has millions of sites.(255 million websites as of December 2010)

Expand on the number of keywords to about 5 to 7 keywords, to narrow down your search to get more relevant websites,

That way, Google becomes clearer to what is it that you are looking for.

2. Using Truncation

Use simple * to expand on the search.

Example: cartoon * tutorials, you will get sites with the phrase “Cartoon Character Illustration Tutorials”, “Cartoon Coloring Tutorial”, “Cartoon Animation Tutorial”, etc.

To know what are the colors web designers or clients care about.
Then use * color web design.

The results will show sites or its posts that are related with the query “color web design”, such as “Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs”, “Beautiful Purple Color Website Designs”, “Stunning Blue Color Website Designs”, etc

3. Exact Phrases

Sometimes we can narrow down or precise our search by simply asking the Google to search websites with the exact order of the words.

To find out who quoted “The unexamined life is not worth living”.

Then it is preferable that type the whole line rather than putting in keywords like “unexamined” or “living“.

4. The “OR” And “-”

The difference with the OR operator is that we can define keywords or phrases with quotation marks rather than have the search engine search for all the words you typed in.

“social media” OR “business”, we will get sites that consists of either “social media” or “business”.

The minus sign,-, is useful if we wish to exclude a particular word or phrase in your search.

This is valuable when you are searching for exception to what search results would typically produce.

To search for someone with the name “Bill Gates”, but not the chairman of Microsoft.

Web sites with the name “Bill Gates” would usually come with “Microsoft”, so using the - sign like “bill gates” -microsoft would bring you close to what user really want to find.
5. Search Within A Site

To search within a site using the Google, all we need to do is input the search query into the Google with the domain name, such as photoshop tutorial

Google will then return the results only from the site you mentioned, such as photoshop tutorials only from the

Note that the website must be added before the domain name, else Google will search for other sites as well.

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