Make people stay on web page

by GOKILAVANI 2014-05-22 09:20:20

 A  mail message to the user how long they visited the particular website as well as opening a new window is provided by the javascript given below.
<head><script type="text/javascript">
var STS = 0;
var ETS = 0;
var TIMON = 0;
function getStime() {

// optional audio welcome 
// location = "";

now = new Date();

STS = (now.getTime());

// optional.
// changes the window status bar at bottom of page return true must remain
// Only works if user allows JavaScript to change his/her status bar text

//window.status = "I hope you enjoy"; return true ;


function figure() {

// code to get seconds from logon to logoff

postnow = new Date();

ETS = (postnow.getTime());

TIMEON = ((ETS - STS) / 1000);

// if less than 60 seconds

if (TIMEON < 60) {

// open an alert box and plead with user

alert ( TIMEON + " seconds. Give it a chance!");

// Optional - open a new window to play an audio plea.

// ("","newwin","width=200, height=200");

else { 
alert (TIMEON + " seconds. Thanks for reading!");
return true; 
window.onload = getStime; 
window.onunload = figure;

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