Math Functions in JavaScript
by Sasikumar[ Edit ] 2014-06-12 22:16:24
Javascript provides some useful Math functions that are listed below,
Javascript Math Function:
Math.abs(a) // the absolute value of a
Math.acos(a) // arc cosine of a
Math.asin(a) // arc sine of a
Math.atan(a) // arc tangent of a
Math.atan2(a,b) // arc tangent of a/b
Math.ceil(a) // integer closest to a and not less than a
Math.cos(a) // cosine of a
Math.exp(a) // exponent of a
Math.floor(a) // integer closest to a, not greater than a
Math.log(a) // log of a base e
Math.max(a,b) // the maximum of a and b
Math.min(a,b) // the minimum of a and b
Math.pow(a,b) // a to the power b
Math.random() // pseudorandom number 0 to 1
Math.round(a) // integer closest to a
Math.sin(a) // sine of a
Math.sqrt(a) // square root of a
Math.tan(a) // tangent of a