Writing text in a jpeg image using php
by guruprasad[ Edit ] 2014-06-27 10:41:37
To write a text in a sample image using php:
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
$text = "sample text!"; //sample text to be used in a jpeg picture.
$font = 'ambient.ttf'; //font style
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('test.jpg'); //sample image where the text to be used.
$text_col= imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); //color of the text.
imagettftext($image, 125, 0, 975, 220, $text_col, $font, $text); // using text in a image.
Parameter usage in imagettftext function:
1.the first parameter represents the image to be used.(i.e., $image).
2.the second parameter represents the font size.(i.e., 125).
3.the third parameter represents the angle of the text to be displayed.(i.e., 0).
4.the fourth parameter represents the x position.(i.e., 975).
5.the fifth parameter represents the y position.(i.e., 220).
6.the sixth parameter represents the text color.
7.the seventh parameter represents the font file.
8. the eighth parameter represents the text to be used in image.