CSF (Configuration) - Part2

by Jagadesh 2014-07-25 10:50:57

More on CSF Commands

->csf -s


->csf --start

It will start the firewall rules.


->csf -f


->csf --stop

it will flush/stop firewall rules.


->csf -r


->csf --restart

it will restart the firewall rules.


->csf -l


->csf --status

it will list/show ipv4 tables configuration.


->csf -l6


->csf –status6

it will list/show ipv6 tables configuration.


First You have come to know some of the configuration files for the upcoming commands.

Here are the configuration files

csf.conf : Configuration file for controlling CSF.

csf.allow : All Allowed IP’s and CIDR addresses list on the firewall.

csf.deny : All Denied IP’s and CIDR addresses list on the firewall.

csf.ignore : All Ignored IP’s and CIDR addresses list on the firewall.

csf.*ignore : The list of various ignore files of users, IP’s.

Note: CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing or supernetting)

A CIDR network address looks like this:

->csf -a IP [comment]

->csf --add IP [comment]

This allows the IP mentioned in command and adds it in /etc/csf/csf.allow


csf -a [HR SYSTEM]


->csf -ar IP


->csf --addrm IP

It used to remove any unwanted allowed IP in /etc/csf/csf.allow


->csf -d IP


->csf --deny IP

This denies the IP mentioned in command and adds it in /etc/csf/csf.deny


->csf -dr IP


->csf –denyrm IP

Unblock the denied IP and remove it from /etc/csf/csf.deny


->csf -df


->csf -denyf

Remove and unblock all entries in /etc/csf/csf.deny


->csf -g


->csf --grep ip

It is used to search an IP,CIDR,Port Number in the ipv4tables and ipv6tables rules


->csf -t


->csf --temp

It displays list of temporary allowed and denied IP entries with their TTL and comment


->csf -ta ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]
->csf --tempallow ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]

Where ttl is the time to live in seconds - Default value: 3600

Add an IP to the temp IP allow list


->csf -td ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]
->csf --tempdeny ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]

Add an IP to the temp IP ban list.


->csf -tr 
->csf --temprm ip

Remove an IP from the temporarly allowed or baned IP list


->csf -tf 
->csf –tempf

Flush removes all IPs from the temporary allowed or baned IP list


-> csf -v 
->csf --version 

To find out the csf version installed in the sevrer.

-> csf -c 
->csf --check 

it will check the update for csf, but it wont upgrade 

->csf -u 
->csf --update

it will check the update for csf and upgrade if available

->csf -h 
csf --help 

To know more about CSF command

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