Apache SNI Supported Desktop and Mobile Browsers List
by Dinesh[ Edit ] 2014-09-10 19:16:09
SNI is fairly new, browsers are only recently supporting SNI. The following list shows the list of Desktop and Mobile Browsers which fully supports SNI.
SNI Supported Desktop, Mobile Browsers with Versions List
- Internet Explorer 7 and later
- Firefox 2
- Opera 8 with TLS 1.1 enabled
- Google Chrome:
Supported on Windows XP on Chrome 6 and later
Supported on Vista and later by default
OS X 10.5.7 in Chrome Version 5.0.342.0 and later
- Safari 2.1 and later (requires OS X 10.5.6 and later or Windows Vista and later).
- Note: No versions of Internet Explorer on Windows XP support SNI
Mobile Browsers
- Mobile Safari for iOS 4.0
- Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) and later
- Windows Phone 7