replace of php mktime
by Francis[ Edit ] 2014-09-23 13:16:00
Why we replace of php mktime used?
Because the mktime function year range limit is 1970 to 2037 (Unix timestamp).
Following function no year limits.
function mod($x,$y) { return ($x-(floor($x/$y)*$y)); }
function mymktime($hour, $minute, $sec, $month, $day, $year)
return ($hour * 3600 + $minute * 60 + $sec) +
($day * 86400 + $month * 2592000 + $year * 31104000);
function mydate($time,$format)
$format = ereg_replace("([DMYhms])","$\1",$format);
$Y = floor($time / 31104000);
$rest = mod($time, 31104000);
$M = floor($rest / 2592000);
$rest = mod($rest, 2592000);
$D = floor($rest / 86400);
$rest = mod($rest, 86400);
$h = floor($rest / 3600);
$rest = mod($rest, 3600);
$m = floor($rest / 60);
$s = mod($rest, 60);
eval("$res = "$format";");
return $res;
$mtime = mymktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000);
echo mydate($mtime, "D-M-Y h:m:s");