How to find your facebook profile ID?
by PRanesh[ Edit ] 2014-10-11 18:01:49
Step 1 : login your facebook account,
Step 2: click on your name and the page redirects to your wall,
Step 3: click on url and replace the
Step 4: replace https to graph,
Step 5: Your will redirect to another page and display with following content
"id": "366119430204453",
"about": "Best Place to Share Photo",
"can_post": false,
"category": "Entertainment website",
"checkins": 0,
"cover": {
"cover_id": 366119530204443,
"offset_x": 0,
"offset_y": 21,
"source": ""
"has_added_app": false,
"is_community_page": false,
"is_published": true,
"likes": 254,
"link": "",
"name": "Jqslider Slideshows",
"talking_about_count": 31,
"username": "Jqslider",
"website": "",
"were_here_count": 0
Step 6 : Copy the id bolded and use it for your reference..