How to expand your keyword list to gain more traffic?

by sithurajkumar 2010-01-08 18:45:34

Expand your keyword list to gain more traffic:

If you're looking for more traffic for your ads, consider expanding your list by using variations of your best performing keywords.

Here are some tips for expanding your keyword list:

* Add product names, brand names you sell, and model numbers that are specific to your business
* Include plural and singular forms of keywords
* Add common misspellings that users might search for
* Try relevant variations and synonyms
* Use Google to search for some of your keywords and then look at the list called "Searches related to:" at the bottom of the page. This can give you ideas for additional relevant keywords that aren't already in your keyword lists.

For example, here's how you might expand the following keyword:

Original keyword list:

* chocolate gifts, chocolate gift, gift chocolates

Expanded keyword list:

* chocolate gifts, chocolate gift, gift chocolates, chocolates gifts, chocolate gift basket, chocolate gifts online, chocolate gift sets...

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