Use of the Tiranga in Educational Institutions, Sports, Camps, Etc.

by Geethalakshmi 2010-01-26 14:17:24

Use of the Tiranga in Educational Institutions, Sports, Camps, Etc.

The National-Flag may be hoisted in schools, colleges, sports, camps, scout camps, etc. on special occasions and also inspire patriotic feeling and respect for the National-Flag. Model instructions for hoisting, saluting and giving pledges for the National-Flag.

I - Directions for Hoisting the flag

(1) The School will assemble in an open square formation with the pupils forming the three sides and the flagstaff at the centre of the fourth side. The Headmaster, the pupil leader and the person unfurling the National-Flag (If other than the Headmaster) will stand three paces behind the flagstaff.
(2) The pupils will fall according to classes and in squads of ten (or other number according to strength). These squads will be arranged one behind the other. The pupil leader of the class will stand to the right of the first row of his class and the form master will stand three paces behind the last row of his class, towards the middle. The classes will be arranged along the square In the order of seniority with the seniormost class at the right end.
(3) The distance between each row should be at least one pace (30 inches); and the space between Form and Form should be the same.
(4) When each Form or Class is ready the Class leader will step forward and salute the selected school pupil leader. As soon as all the Forms are ready, the school pupil leader will step up to the Headmaster and salute him. The Headmaster will return the salute. Then, the Flag will be unfurled. The school pupil leader may assist.

The School pupil leader in charge of the parade (or Assembly) will call the parade to attention, just before the unfurling, and he will call them to the salute when the Flag flies out. The parade will keep at the salute for a brief interval, and then on the command "order", the parade will come to the "attention" position.
(5) The Flag salutation will be followed by the National Anthem (Jana Gana Mana). The parade will be kept at attention during this part of the function.
(6) On all occasions when the pledge is taken, the pledge will follow the National Anthem. When taking the pledge, the Assembly will stand to attention and the Headmaster will administer the pledge ceremoniously and the Assembly will repeat it after him.

II - Giving the Pledge to the flag

In pledging allegiance to the National-Flag, the practice to be adopted in schools is as follows --

Standing with folded hands, all repeat together the following pledge :

" I, ...... pledge allegiance to the National-Flag and to the Sovereign Democratic Republic for which it stands."

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