How to search more effectively with Google

by Vijayaprasad 2010-01-27 14:30:42

# Use keywords. For example, instead of typing "What is the capital of Mexico?" Try "Mexican capital." Then Google will know to just search for those words in any order.

# Sometimes Google will not understand your query. Check your spelling. Although Google will try to fix your spelling mistakes to the best of its ability, sometimes it may not even recognize your word.

Let's say you're looking for a car. You may have meant to say "Hyundai " and misspelled it "haiundi" by mistake. In this instance, Google will not recognize what you meant to say. If you know the mistake, simply retype it and re-search. Or, you may wish to provide some contextual information like "haiundi cars." Then, Google may piece together what you're trying to search for and provide the appropriate page.

# Try re-wording your first search. It may help you better find what you're looking for.

Try a different phrase. If you can think of a different way to phrase your search, it will improve your chances of finding the correct website if you cannot find it initially. This is one of the most effective common sense approaches to finding what you're looking for.

# Putting quotes around your phrase will narrow down your search to just those words in order.

Use quotes and punctuation for specific terms. To search for an exact phrase rather than keywords, try putting the words or phrase you want searched for in quotation marks. Google will then look for only the exact phrase you searched for in the order that you put it in. Again, for example, instead of searching for each keyword like "hyundai" and "vehicles" independently, Google will look for just the phrase "hyundai vehicles" in that order.

# Use the remove function to exclude any words from your search which may potentially provide bad links.

Exclude words you don't need. If Google is confusing something else with what you want, you may exclude that word or phrase by placing a minus sign directly in front of the offending word. With a phrase, do the same thing except put it in quotation marks. Now, any results with this word or phrase will be excluded.

# Using the "OR" function is useful when you are searching for something which goes by a variety of names.

Combine searches. You may search for two phrases by placing quotation marks around your two searches and placing an uppercase "OR" in between them. This will let Google know that you would like to see the results for both searches and it will try to find a website with the best mix.

# The "AND" function should be used when you want a highly specific result.

You may also make use of the "AND" function which will tell Google to only show the websites which include both words or phrases.

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