Sharpen Your Communication Skills

by Geethalakshmi 2010-01-27 21:20:17

Sharpen Your Communication Skills

Discover the SECRET that will sharpen your Communication Skills

Success in business depends on your ability to communicate effectively. If your memos and presentations aren't getting they deserve, or your meetings aren't as productive as you'd hoped, then Communicate! Can help

Full of interactive role-plays, interesting self-assessment exercises, expert advice and commentary, Communicate! will help you become more confident, creative and professional.
* Write compelling reports and memos.
* Overcome writer's block.
* Plan and deliver commanding presentations and win over your audience.
* Conquer your fear of public speaking.
* Run productive meetings that stay on schedule.
* Learn time-saving alternatives to meetings.
* Improve your leadership and team-building skills.
* Build stronger relationships.

Communicate! is one of several personal development programs that can change your life.

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