XML - Notation

by satheesh 2010-01-28 10:32:16

The formal grammar of XML is given in this specification using a simple Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) notation. Each rule in the grammar defines one symbol, in the form

symbol ::= expression

Symbols are written with an initial capital letter if they are the start symbol of a regular language, otherwise with an initial lowercase letter. Literal strings are quoted.

Within the expression on the right-hand side of a rule, the following expressions are used to match strings of one or more characters:


where N is a hexadecimal integer, the expression matches the character whose number (code point) in ISO/IEC 10646 is N. The number of leading zeros in the #xN form is insignificant.

[a-zA-Z], [#xN-#xN]

matches any Char with a value in the range(s) indicated (inclusive).

[abc], [#xN#xN#xN]

matches any Char with a value among the characters enumerated. Enumerations and ranges can be mixed in one set of brackets.

[^a-z], [^#xN-#xN]

matches any Char with a value outside the range indicated.

[^abc], [^#xN#xN#xN]

matches any Char with a value not among the characters given. Enumerations and ranges of forbidden values can be mixed in one set of brackets.


matches a literal string matching that given inside the double quotes.


matches a literal string matching that given inside the single quotes.

These symbols may be combined to match more complex patterns as follows, where A and B represent simple expressions:


expression is treated as a unit and may be combined as described in this list.

matches A or nothing; optional A.


matches A followed by B. This operator has higher precedence than alternation; thus A B | C D is identical to (A B) | (C D).

A | B

matches A or B.

A - B

matches any string that matches A but does not match B.


matches one or more occurrences of A. Concatenation has higher precedence than alternation; thus A+ | B+ is identical to (A+) | (B+).


matches zero or more occurrences of A. Concatenation has higher precedence than alternation; thus A* | B* is identical to (A*) | (B*).

Other notations used in the productions are:

/* ... */


[ wfc: ... ]

well-formedness constraint; this identifies by name a constraint on well-formed documents associated with a production.

[ vc: ... ]

validity constraint; this identifies by name a constraint on valid documents associated with a production.

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