9 Things to Know Before Selecting Your Host

by GJSenthil 2010-01-28 21:38:18

9 Things to Know Before Selecting Your Host

1) Understand the Distinctions Between Shared, Collocated, Unmanaged Dedicated & Managed Dedicated Hosting So You Choose The One That Is Right For Your Business.

2) Does Your Potential Host's Network Have Blackholed IPs?

3) Don't Confuse Size With Stability

4) How do you protect yourself? Ask some key questions:

* How long has the host been in business?
* Is current ownership the same as always?
* Are they profitable and cash flow positive from operation-generated revenue?

5) Don't Make Price Your Only Priority

6) Make Sure Your Host Has Fully Redundant Data Centers

7) What Percentage of Their Support Staff Are Actual Experienced Systems Administrators?

8 ) Are They Flexible?

9) What Do Their Clients Say About Them?

10) How Far Will Their Support Go Without Extra Charges?

- Resource - Web Hosting India

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