Social Media Optimization

by saranya 2010-01-30 18:44:34

Social Media Optimization (SMO), is a term refers to the process of ensuring that a website is easy to link to by utilizing the different social media sources together with but not limited to, blogs, bookmarking websites and media sharing websites. There are a lot of similarities and differences between SEO & SMO. Because of this, and the idea that one cannot take over the role for the other, it is important to know when and why to use each optimization technique.

Similiarties Between Seo and Smo

1. If people don't have a good reason to link to you then they probably don't have a good "real" reason to visit your website either. Be careful though, linkability and linkbait are not the same thing. Some of the keys to linkability are: content, design and usability.

2. This almost does not need an individual category because part of linkability is the good content. But, the point needs to be stressed; you can have good content that does things besides giving people a good reason to link.

3. Both SEO and SMO are way to be a focus to people to a website without approaching a message on them, but instead showing them what value your website can bring to them.

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