How to Build One Way .edu Links

by sithurajkumar 2010-02-02 09:12:20

How to Build One Way .edu Links

Whats so special about .edu links?

As you all know or might have heard, Google and other search engines give .edu links more weight, as .edu sites belong to educational institutions which and thus are generally authoritative and trusted sites.
How to get .edu links?

Most educational sites allow and even encourage students and professors to blog, usually giving them a sub domain on the universities website. These blogs are the basis of building one way backlinks from .edu websites. All you need to do is, find these blogs, and comment on them, thus earning a .edu back link.
How to find these Blogs:

Here is the process of finding these blogs.

1. Go to
2. Type in the following in your search bar inurl:blog

This tells google to return all .edu sites, which have the term blog in their url. Basically, this returns all blogs whose domain extension is .edu. As you can see, there are about 1,200,000 results. You will want to trim the fat.

The problem with some of these blogs are that you are not allowed to post a comment, and incase of some blogs, comments are closed, or you need to be registered to post a comment. We will want to remove all such blogs. How do we do this? Well, adding “post a comment”, will remove all those blogs where you are not allowed to post a comment. then adding a parameter: minus and “comments closed” will remove all those blogs where comments are closed, then adding another parameter: a minus and “you must be logged in” will remove all those blogs where comments can only be made by registered users. Your search query should look something like this : inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in”

This will tell Google to return all blogs on .edu sites that you can post comments on. As you can see, this has narrowed it down to 180,000 results.
If you want even targeted results, just append you niche to the end of the search query, in double quotes. For example, if my niche is seo, the query will look like this: inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “seo”

This result will give you targeted .edu blogs. In this example, appending the keyword has given 265 results.All you need to do is comment on them, and you will earn a backlink.

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