How to Write a Love Letter

by Sanju 2010-02-03 11:18:28

Start with good stationery. No one wants to receive a note, no matter how heartfelt, on a scrappy piece ripped out of your school book- it looks like homework! Instead, take time to choose a paper with a design or feel that reflects the person you are writing to.

Start off lighthearted. If you are writing from a long way away, tell them you miss being with them. If not, tell them about something in your day that reminded you of them like a pretty flower or a particular smell.

Think of a time when you felt particularly moved by seeing your loved one, no matter how small the event. Recall the emotional and physical feelings you experienced in that moment.

Write a description of that moment including details about your feelings at the time, starting with a phrase such as, "I remember when".

Recall two or three other experiences when you were moved by your loved one's words or actions. Add recollections of these experiences to your letter in the same way you wrote about the first one.

Add many things that you love about their personality and/or appearance.

If you feel comfortable and it works for your relationship, add dirty things - talk about the last encounter you two had, or what you'd like to do next time you meet.

End with a "P.S." Make it stupid. That way, any embarrassment you feel about the letter is lessened. Hopefully, you're not embarrassed by your love letter.

It's not about being mushy gushy. It's about being honest to this person about how much they mean to you in your life in this world. That is far mushy gushy enough.

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