Now You can Withdraw Amount From ATM, WITHOUT using Debit Card..!!!

by Nirmala 2008-09-19 14:40:18


Now ICICI NET BANKING has provided new facility
Here are the steps how to withdraw money without Using debit card.

Min. Requirements.
1) You Should have Net banking Transfer facility,
2) Your Mobile should be configured to This Account.

Steps to Withdraw:

1) Log on to Your internet banking.
2) You can see a option on the left side as smsNcash new Option under the Funds Transfer.
3) click on smsNcash Option.
4) It will ask you to Enter the Mobile number of The person who is collecting money from ATM.
Lets Say your friend.

(i) Enter Your Friend Mobile number.
(ii) Amount how much you want to give your friend.
(iii)Both Of you will get Msg from ICICI immdtly You will get 4 digit secret Code, And your friend will get 6 digit secret Code.
(iv) Make a call to your friend and give 4 digit Secret code which you received.

Then Your friend need to walk in ATM (ICICI).

Here by default now ICICI ATM s are showing Home page as smsNCash.

Follow the steps .

It will ask your friend to Give his mobile number.
And 6 digit Secret code which he received from ICICI bank.
and 4 digit Secret code which he received from You.

ATM will give you the Amount which you Transferred to that Mobile no.

Advantage : Your Friend can withdraw money though he don’t have any accounts with ICICI.

Note : This facilities are chargeable. Min of 10/- And Max of 20/- Based on Txn.
Limitations : One Mobile Number you can transfer Max. 10,000/- Per day.
You can Transfer to Multiple Mobile Numbers Max.25,000/- per day.

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