10 Free Tools to check Social Media Backlinks

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-04 18:08:25

10 Free Tools to check Social Media Backlinks

1. PageBoss - Checks backlinks from all reputed social media sites. Clean interface. Supports four languages.

2. URL Matrix - Amazingly fast tool. Analyzes everything from Alexa to Technorati to Compete.

3. Social Scan - Quick and easy to use tool. Scans popular social media channels like Stumbleupon, Delicious, Digg for backlinks.

4. Site Mention - Cool tool, digs up all possible social media mentions about your site on Twitter, Friend Feed, Youtube, Myspace, Flickr, Yahoo Answers, Digg, Delicious, Furl and Reddit.

5. Quark Base - Analyzes every detail possible about a website including its ownership, server details and a huge list of details from social media channels.

6. Website Grader - The popular grader platform. Does a pretty job in grabbing all the info related to a website right from on site optimization metrics to off site factors like inbound links to social media channels pointing to the site.

7. Back Tweets - This tool finds you all the backlinks from Twitter to your site. Amazingly quick !

8. Popuri.us - Nice tool with a great visual appeal, check major factors like Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati, del.icio.us, etc for mentions.

9. Social Meter - An average tool that checks the basic numbers from Del.icio.us, Digg, Furl, Google, Jots, Linkroll, Netscape, Reddit, Shadows, Spurl, Technorati, and Yahoo My Web.

10. Site Volume - This is a nice tool that will help you find the frequency of mentions abut a particular keyword on social media sites like Digg, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube etc, and make comparison charts, giving you idea about what content is popular on each site.

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