Major Search Marketing Companies

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-04 18:10:45

Major Search Marketing Companies

Yahoo Search Marketing : Yahoo holds an unbelievable percentage of the hunt merchandising phase and is the best online network destination for satisfied, travelling, shopping, word, entertainment and mail. Y!SM ads are served not simply in hunt results, but throughout the Yahoo web.

MSN adCenter : Microsoft’s MSN and Live. com are unbelievably easily trafficked networks related to Yahoo with unbelievable partnerships and a hunt locomotive which is integrated into the Windows operating structure and Internet Explorer. adCenter hunt ads can too be targeted to demographics, such as masculine/female and ages.

Ask Sponsored Listings : Ask. com’s hunt merchandising weapon is too rather powerful within their hunt properties and too the IAC web, which includes TicketMaster, CitySearch & RealEstate. com

LookSmart : LookSmart is a publicly traded hunt party with powerful partnerships and a really big grasp; over 400 million regular searches.

Miva : Major spouse of portals and new properties : 2 billion hunt queries per month

ABCSearch : Serves over 5 billion searches per month and provides geotargeting.

7Search : Frank Watson (AussieWebmaster) of FXCM loves 7Search and raves about the ROI and conversions 7Search provides, particularly in the fiscal sector.

SearchFeed : Similar to Miva, SearchFeed provides sponsored hunt results for a big sum of partnered portals and sites.

Enhance : One of the Godfathers of paid hunt, Enhance’s partnerships with Yahoo, Dogpile, Snap. com and Verisign may ensue in character traffic for your effort.

Mamma. com/Copernic Media : Much much than a meta-search locomotive, Mamma. com too owns Copernic Desktop Search and serves sponsored hunt on the really favorite, contentious and transition generating Hotba tool.

AMP’s adMarketplace : Sponsored hunt ads integrated into Ask. com, Looksmart, Marchex and new properties and offers simple setup for eBay merchants.

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