We come to make friends throughout every stage of our life,
From our childhood years and during life’s course;
They’re often there in times of need, or to help us out,
Yes, a friend can often assist us in nearly everything we face;
And as we grow older with our friends “we grow to appreciate their kindness and care,”
When we need advice or a shoulder to simply lean on;
Friends are there to help us realize, bear burdens, and move on,
We often cherish our friends more than words can express;
But our actions, deeds, and respect for them is deep in our heart,
For with ‘true friends’ we know they’ll be there in times of need and will not part;
So, from the start to the end of each day,
Value them with love, respect, and consideration, I do say;
Also, in your daily prayers, especially at night,
Thank The LORD and bless your friends for giving you might.
by Kay I. Kramer