Time Conversion Definitions and Formulae

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-06 19:15:56

Time Conversion Definitions and Formulae

A Helium Half-Life = 2.4e-21 Seconds
An Attosecond = .000000000000000001 Seconds
A Femtosecond = .000000000000001 Seconds
A Picosecond = .000000000001 Seconds
A Nanosecond = .000000001 Seconds
A Microsecond = .000001 Seconds
A High Speed Camera Shutter = .001 Seconds
A Millisecond = .001 Seconds
A Flash = .01 Seconds
A Camera Flash Shutter Sync = .01666666666666 Seconds
An Average Hummingbird Wingbeat Rate = .02 Seconds
A Blink of the Eye = .025 Seconds
Atom = 160 MilliSeconds
A Second = Foundational Base Factor of 1
A Minute = 60 Seconds
A Swatch Beat = 86.4 Seconds
A Moment = 1/40th Hour or 1.5 Minutes
An Ostent = 1/10th Hour or 6 Minutes
An Hour = 60 minutes or 3600 Seconds
A Day (Solar Day) = 24 Hours or 1000 Swatch Beats
A Week = 7 Days
A Fortnight = 14 Days
A Vinal = 20 Days
A Nodical Month = 27.212 Days
A Sidereal Month = 27.322 Days
An Anomalistic Month = 27.555 Days
A Lunar Month = 29.531 Days
A Financial Month = 30 Days
A Quarter = 91.3125 Days
A Financial Year (also called a Tun) = 360 Days
A Year = 365 Days
A Solar Year = 365 Days, 5 Hours, 48 Minutes, 46 Seconds
A Solar Year = 365.242 Days
An Averaged Calendar Year = 365.25 Days
A Synodic Year = 365.25462 Days
A Leap Year = 366 Days
A Decade = 10 Solar Years
A Metonic Cycle = 6940 Days
A Katun = 7200 Days
A Score = 20 Solar Years
A Generation = 30 Solar Years
A Sovereign Cycle = 60 Solar Years or 2 Generations
A Callipic Cycle = 27759 Days (roughly 76 Solar Years)
A Century = 100 Solar Years
A Baktun = 144000 Days or 20 Katuns
A Millenium = 1000 Solar Years
A Bismuth Half-Life = 2000042716454701.5 Millenium

Time Zone Converter

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