Check Mate: Google Images
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-02-07 11:09:48
Check Mate: Google Images
Perfectly Optimized Google Image Code
<img src=”images/keyword.jpg” alt=”keyword” />
Top Determined Factors
1) Keyword in same table cell as image.
2) Keyword below or above image in DIV or floating DIV.
3) Keyword in ALT tag.
4) Keyword in image name and image meta file summary.
5) Keyword in same paragraph as image.
Acceptable Code
keyword in more than 4 words and less than 10.
text blah blah
Factors In Order Of Apparent Importance
1) Factors 2 and 5 equal
2) Factor 1
3) Factor 4
4) Factor 3
*Factor 3 assumed because it showed no distinguishable results in controlled tests.
Automatically Remove The Google Frame
Perfect Sizes
Small: 150×150 or smaller.
Medium: Larger than 150 x 150 and smaller than 500 x 500.
Large: 500 x 500 and larger.
Google Image Traffic Redirection
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteRule .*.$ cgi-bin/redirect.cgi [R,NC]