Titles, Description & Keywords - Still the Big Three

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-08 17:43:59

Titles, Description & Keywords - Still the Big Three


The importance of a title cannot be emphasized enough, because the title of your Web site appears in the browser window, as the title for Google search results, in bookmarks and many other places. If you want to get it just right, follow the below tips:

* Make sure your most important keyword or keyword phrase is included in your title
* Keep it short
* Make it descriptive
* And never use the word HOME in your home page title...it's pretty meaningless!

For a clearer picture, consider a site that focuses on "web page optimization." A possible title could be "Web Page Optimization Tips". The title, like a subject line in an email, may be the single most important feature in getting people to click on your link, since it's the first thing they're likely to see. It's also one of the first things a search engine will see when crawling your page.


The description is also very important because it's what Google uses when displaying your search engine listing. To create a great description, consider this:

* Use your most important keywords
* Keep your writing tight...don't fill it with fluff
* Include a call to action, so people are encouraged to click on your link.

Keep in mind that when someone searches for a keyword, search engines show your description, so it is advisable that you cook up an attractive description - one that will entice visitors to your site!


When the search engines first came on the scene, a lot of emphasis was placed on keywords. Webmasters tried to cash in, used a lot of these keyword tags, and ended up abusing the system. Slowly the search engines started valuing them less. Today keywords are not given as much importance as before but it is advised that you give it some thought while developing your site.

Keywords are still important on a number of fronts. You should write a great list of keywords that describe your business, products or services. You'll want to include them with your Web site listing, as part of any Pay Per Click campaign, and to help you write articles, blog posts, site reviews, press releases and more! It will help keep all your messaging on target!

The key to a website's success lies in its content. But, along with excellent content, you also want to have:

* The right keywords that describe your content.
* Keywords that match your content
* And, always avoid keyword dilution, which occurs when a keyword is used too many times in your article.

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