What is the Smallest Frog?
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-02-08 22:46:42
What is the Smallest Frog?
The smallest frog in the Southern Hemisphere is the Gold Frog, or Brazilian Psyllophryne Didactyla.
Adult Gold Frogs measure grow to only 9.8 millimetres in body length (with legs drawn in). That's about one centimeter or about 3/8 of an inch!
Equally small is the smallest frog in the Northern Hemisphere, only recently discovered (1996) in Monte Iberia, Cuba. It doesn't have a common name yet, but its scientific name is Eleutherodactylus iberia.
Also very small are poison frogs. These can measure less than half an inch (1 cm) long, even when they're fully grown.