Forum Posting Tips

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-09 01:37:15

Forum Posting Tips

* Be Human! Make relevant replies to threads. Share your opinions.
* Follow the rules of the forum.
* Dont Spam. Make insightful posts, as 10 quality posts are better than 100’s of one-liners. The quality posts will receive attention, and will result in more click-throughs. Also, the one-liners could get deleted and could result in you being labeled as a spammer and banned.
* Read and reply to the sticky threads. They generally have high pr, and they are viewed frequently, so the chances of traffic increase.
* Be polite, grammatically correct, and try to solve others doubts. This helps increase your reputation in the forum and helps you get branded as a “guru”, which should result in more click-throughs to your site.
* Make sure you signature link’s anchor text is rich in keywords, and is compelling, so that people want to click on them. Also, if possible style them, so that they stand out.
* Another good way to get links and traffic is, if you have written an article relevant to a forums topic, to start a new thread in the forum, with a summary of your article, and then saying: “to read the complete article visit here.”

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