25 Simple Tips to Improve Your Health and Fitness

by bharathi 2010-02-09 08:55:38

1. Diets are evil
2. Get rid of the junk food
3. Make use of healthy snacks
4. All carbs are not created equal
5. Kill the caffeine addiction
6. Don’t forget the fat
7. Water is your friend
8. Breathe deeply
9. Eat your veggies
10. Buy organic foods
11. Get friends that live healthy
12. Find healthy foods you enjoy
13. Take your lunch to work
14. Eat out intelligently
15. Give yourself a cheat meal
16. Sleep deeply
17. Schedule exercise
18. Get a workout buddy
19. Exercise aerobically
20. Don’t forget to stretch
21. Train for strength
22. Make exercise a habit
23. Get a trainer
24. Make changes gradually
25. Don’t give up

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