scientific facts

by bharathi 2010-02-09 09:06:39


Myth: A planet called 'Nibiru' will collide with the earth in December 2012.

Fact: The planet Nibiru does not exist. It has never been seen by any astronomers. The claim was first made by an obscure sci-fi author and was latched onto by conspiracy theorists. They claim that the planet is ''invisible'' but this is impossible. It would also be impossible for the government to conceal a new planet as it would be tracked by academics and amateur astronomers worldwide.

2.Mayan calendar

Myth: The world will end at the same time as the Mayan calendar does in December 2012.

Fact: There have been thousands of calendars in use over the years. Calendars, whether contemporary or ancient, cannot predict the future of our planet or warn of things to happen on a specific date such as 2012. Digital clocks reset at 23.59 each night to 00.00 but the world continues. Calendars go from December 31 to January 1 each year but the world continues.

3.Earth's rotation

Myth: An alignment of planets in our galaxy, the Milky Way, could revers the Earth's rotational or disrupt the Earth's gravitational field.

Fact: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. It has never happened and never will. It would be like a basketball that is spinning on somebody's finger suddenly stopping and going the other way.

With regard to the Earth's gravitational field, the magnetic polarity of Earth does take place around every 400,000 years but scientists don't believe it will take place for another few millennium and there is no evidence it would do any harm.


Myth: The end of the world in 2012 coincides with a prediction by sixteenth century seer Nostradamus.
Fact: There's no evidence that Nostradamus has correctly predicted anything. His writings are based on imagery and metaphor and can be interpreted in many different ways.

5.2012 film

Myth: The film '2012' is a warning sign or prediction that the world is due to end shortly.

Fact: The film uses a sophisticated PR campaign which incorporates elements of 'viral' marketing. The trailer for the film plays on conspiracy theorists' fears that the truth is being somehow hidden by directing viewers to a 'faux scientific' website. Did the events in Jurassic park, Jumanji, or Men in Black ever happen? Quite simply, Hollywood bossed have used fears and rumours to make a story that will bring in profit at the box office.

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