Masala Idli

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-09 22:26:55

Masala Idli

4 cups boiled rice
1 cup urad dhal
Peas – 50 gms
Cauliflower (flowerettes) – 50 gms
Potatoes- 2 big
Tomato – 1 big
Carrot -1
Onion (medium sized) – 200 gms
Cashew nut bits – 2tblsp
Red chillies- 6
Bengal Gram Dhal – 2 tsp
Coconut (grated) – 1 tsp
Urad dhal – 1 tsp
Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
Curry leaves – 10
Ghee – 50 Gms

Salt to tasteGrind rice and urad dhal separately with required amount of water. Then mix together this mixture, add salt and leave it to ferment for 10 - 15 hours or leave overnight. Cut Potatoes, cauliflower and carrots to small cubes and half boil the vegetables. Cut Onions and Cashew nuts into small pieces. Grind grated coconut, Fried Bengal Gram, Chillies and coriander leaves to a fine paste (like that of Chutney).

Heat 3 tsps of Ghee in a shallow pan. Sauté mustard and yrad dhal for 2 minutes and then add curry leaves, tomato, onions, cashew nuts, half boiled vegetables and sauté for a few minutes till soft. Add ground ingredients into the batter along with the just sautéed ingredients. Pour this batter into greased plates into idli plates and steam cook for 10 minutes or till it is cooked.

Serve hot with green chutney.

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