Chickpeas & Tomato Sauce
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-02-09 23:26:56
Chickpeas & Tomato Sauce
1 cup chickpeas
2 Tablesp. ghee
1 Tablesp. fresh ginger, grated
1 teasp. cumin seeds
1 teasp. hing
2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes (or 3 Tablesp. tomato puree mixed in 1 cup water)
1 teasp. butter
1 Tablesp. salt
1 Tablesp. sugar
1. Soak chickpeas 6 hours.
2. Boil until soft. Drain. Set aside.
3. Melt ghee.
4. Roast ginger, cumin, and hing.
5. Boil tomatoes until soft.
6. Add tomatoes to spices.
7. Stir in chickpeas, butte, salt and sugar.
8. Gently boil until creamy.
* Yields 3 cups.