Maida dosa

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-09 23:47:18

Maida dosa

green chilli (hari mirch)
mustard seeds (rai)

First take as much quantity of Maida (powder) as you wish to. Mix it with water in such a way that there are no lumps of maida formed and the batter is liquid enough like that of ordinary dosa. Mix it with your hand for better results. Then keep a tadka.
To Prepare The Dosa Heat the tawa. Any ordinary dosa tawa. As the maida is sticky you cannot make the dosas as the ordinary ones by pouring the batter and spreading it. Here you have to pour the batter forming a circle starting from the circumference of the circle and gradually coming towards the centre. The slope of the tawa helps the batter to flow in. Fill in the empty spaces if any between the dosa immediately. Pour oil in and out of the
dosa. when it changes colour turn it and pour oil again. When it turns further brown remove it. Serve it with sambhar, sauce or the south Indian chilly chutney. Chopped green chillies and mustard seeds(rai) Take oil in a pan. Put some mustard seeds. When they crackle remove it from the flame and put green chillies and mix them with a spoon till the chilies turn light green. Then put the tadka on the batter of maida already prepared. Shake well. To Prepare The Dosa Heat the tawa. Any ordinary dosa tawa. As the maida is sticky you cannot make the dosas as the ordinary ones by pouring the
batter and spreading it. Here you have to pour the batter forming a circle starting from the circumference of the circle and gradually coming towards the centre. The slope of the tawa helps the batter to flow in. Fill in the empty spaces if any between the dosa immediately. Pour oil in and out of the dosa. when it changes colour turn it and pour oil again. When it turns further brown remove it. Serve it with sambhar, sauce or the south Indian chilly chutney.

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