Diamond of opposites

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-10 00:53:07

Diamond of opposites

The diamond of opposites is a type of two-dimensional plot used in psychodrama groups. This tool can illuminate the presence of contradictions in processes that cannot be detected by any single questionnaire item using a traditional format such as the Likert scale. The diamond of opposites is a sociometric scaling method that simultaneously measures positive and negative responses to a statement.

Unlike traditional question formats, especially the semantic differential format where the respondent must choose a point on a one-dimensional scale anchored by two semantically opposite terms, the diamond of opposites allows the respondent to express attraction and repulsion independently. In this format, the stem describes an object, person or situation in relation to which the respondent is asked to indicate their degree of attraction and repulsion. The two variables are plotted on two orthogonal axes.
[edit] Example

mathematics problems

* Indicate your level of attraction on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high)
* Indicate your level of repulsion on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high)

1. The respondent indicates attraction of x' = 8, and repulsion of y' = 5.
2. The point (x',y') represents the current attitude of the respondent toward mathematics problems.

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