Endaro Mahanubhavulu Lyrics - Thyagayya - Telugu Movie Song

by MrBeans 2010-02-11 13:10:57

Endaro Mahanubhavulu Lyrics - Thyagayya - Telugu Movie Song

22 kharaharapriya janya
Aa: S R2 M1 P N2 S
Av: S N2 P D2 N2 P M1 R2 G2 R2 S

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu


endarO mahAnubhavulu |
antarIki vandanamu ||


candra vadanu nI anta |
candramunu hR.dayAra |
vindamuna jUci bhramA |
nanda anubhavincuva || (Endharo)

caraNam 1

sAmagAnalOla manasija |
lAvanya dhanyamUrdhanyu || (Endharo)

caraNam 2

mAnasa vanacaravara sancAramu salipi
mUrtibAguga bodaganEdu va || (Endharo)

caraNam 3

saraguna pAdamulaku swAntamanu
sarojamunu samarpanamu jEyuvA || (Endharo)

caraNam 4

patitapavanudane parAtparuni gurinci
paramArtamagu nijamAr |
gamu tonu pAdutsUnu sallApamuto swaralayAdi
rAgamula teliyuvA || (Endharo)

caraNam 5

hariguNa maNimaya - saramulu galamuna
shObhillu bhakthakOtu lilalO |
telivitO jelimitO garuNa galgi
jagamellanu sudhA dhR.shticE brOcu vaa || (Endharo)

caraNam 6

hoyalumIra nadulu galgu sarasuni sadA
kanula jaccunu pulaka sha |
rIrulai AnandapayOdi nimagnulai
modambunanu yashamu galavA || (Endharo)

caraNam 7

parama bAgavata maunevara shashivibhAkara
sanakasanandana |
degishAsura kimpurusha kanaka kashipu suta
nArada tumburu |
pavanasUnu bAlacandradhara shuka sarojabhava
bhUsuravarulu |
parama pAvanalu dhanushashvatulu kamalabhava sukhamu
sadAnubhavulu gAka |

caraNam 8

nI mEnu nAma vaibhavambulanu ne parakrama dhair[ya] |
mula shAnta mAnasamu nevulanu vacana satyamunu raghuvIra
[nI]yada sadbhaktiyu janincakanu dhurmatamulanu kallajesi
natti nemadi |
nIringi sAntasambunanuguna bhajanAnanda
kIrtanamu jIyuva || (Endharo)

caraNam 9

BhAgavata ramayana gItadi shruti shastra purAnapu
marmamulanu |
shivati shunmatamula gUdamulan moppadimukkoti
surAnta |
[an]tarangamula bhAvambula nerigi bhavarAga layAdi
sowkyamuce cir |
Ayuvula galigi niravadi sokAtmulai
tyagarAjatmulainavA |

caraNam 10

prema muppirigonuvela |
nAmamu dalacuvAru |
ramabhaktudaina tyaga |
raja nutuni nijadasulaina vA || (Endharo)


pallavi: salutations to all those great men in this
world !
anupallavi: those men will feel the moonlike beautiful
form of God in their hearts and will be happy about it !
caraNam 1: those who worship you who is fond of
caraNam 2: They control their mind and worship you who
is as beautiful as Manmada
caraNam 3: They submit their hearts at your feet
caraNam 4: Oh the protector of people they sing your
praise with true devotion and they have good knowledge
of swara, laya & raga.
caraNam 5: They wear garlands made of gems that
represent the quality of Hari and with mercy they see
the whole world with love & affection.
caraNam 6: They are so happy to see the beautiful gait
of the God everyday and they are happy about it.
caraNam 7: Surya, Chandra, Sanaka Sanadhanas, Dikpalas,
Devas, Kimpurushas, Prahalada, Narada, Tumburu,
Anjaneya, Siva, Sukar, Brahma, Brahmanas enjoy the
Brahmanandha Swaroopa of God always. Apart from them
there are others and salutations to them also.
caraNam 8: They praise your form, name, valour, bravery,
peaceful heart, true words. You destroy all bad thoughts
that prevent people from praying you, they know that and
they praise your qualities.
caraNam 9: Those who know the secret of Bagavatha,
Ramayana, Gita, Sruti, Sasthra, Epic, various religious
thoughts, the thoughts of the 33 crores of Devas, bhava,
raga, tala and they have a long life and enjoy all good
caraNam 10: Those beloved of Lord Tyagaraja, when bakthi
increases they think your name, they are Rama bakthas,
they are devotees of the Lord of Tyagaraja who worships

Endaro Mahanubhavulu Lyrics - Thyagayya - Telugu Movie Song

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