Weight Loss Herbal Care

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 00:14:16

Weight Loss Herbal Care

To reduce weight and get slim and beautiful body 3 things must be kept in mind:

* Control your Eating Habits
* Use Home Remedy for Weight Loss
* Avoid the Causes of Body Fat

Natural Weight Loss Tips, 100% Herbal:

(1) Avoid intake of too much salt, it increase fat & weight.

(2) To lose weight fast avoid cheese, butter, milk product.

(3) Adhrak, Dal-Chini, Kali Mirch are good to loose weight.

(4) Avoid rice, potato they contain lots of carbohydrates.

(5) Take deep breaths to burn fat and lose weight.

(6) Squeeze a lemon into a glass of warm water and add 2 tsp. of honey to it. Take it daily for four months.

(7) Mint is beneficial in losing weight. A chutney of green mint can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.

Bitter Vegetables like Karela, and bitter variety of food are useful in loosing weight.

(9) Honey is an excellent home remedy for weight loss. It reduces the extra fat in the body.

(10) Raw Cabbage stops the conversion of sugar into fat. It is of great value in extra weight reduction.

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