Eating Fish is Beneficial

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 00:16:29

Eating Fish is Beneficial

Eating fish is beneficial as it is low in fat and rich in proteins. Fish fits perfectly into a healthy diet and can be enjoyed twice a week. Heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids present in fish are very useful for the body.

* Asthma – It is known that children who eat fish are less likely to develop asthma.
* Eyesight – Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which contribute for healthy eyes especially retina of eye.
* Cancer - Omega 3 fatty acids present in fish reduce the risk of many types of cancer especially breast cancer to a greater extent. Fish oil boosts the immune system and helps to destroy cancer cells.
* Cure Depression – Fish is very useful for health of brain tissues and people eating fish are less likely to have depression.
* Prevent Heart Diseases – Eating fish reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It improves elasticity of blood vessels, reduces blood clots & inflammation and it also boosts Good Cholesterol.
* Diabetes – It may help in managing blood sugar levels to a greater extent.
* Inflammatory Diseases – Eating fish reduces symptoms of inflammation, swollen joints, arthritis etc.
* Calorie Content – Fish is low in calorie than meat. Eating fish is good option for those who want to lose weight.
* Prematurity – During pregnancy, it helps in reducing the risk of delivering premature baby.

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