Natural Beauty Care

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 00:31:54

Natural Beauty Care

Everyone wants to look beautiful. For that he spent plenty of money and time but natural beauty care is very useful. Here are some natural & easy tips to achieve beauty and that can help you look marvelous at every age.

* Drink more Water. Plenty of water is needed to keep the skin and other tissues healthy. So drink minimum of 8 glasses water in a day.
* While cleaning your skin, use soft warm cloth. Does not scrubbing your skin. Home_treatment
* Eat foods which are high in oils and omega fats. It helps to feed your cells, and healthy your skin. Flax (Sun) seed, Avocado, Eggs, and oily Fish etc.
* You should be intake a good balanced diet. Add plenty of fruits and green vegetables in your food. Irregular eating habits can cause many problems such as weight gain, weakness, illness and depression. So be regular.
* Go for exercises at least half an hour daily. Do exercises like jogging, aerobics, cycling etc.
* You should always be relax and happy. Whenever you talk to family member or any other person, your mood should be happy.
* Sleep at least 8-9 hours. Also maintain your daily routine such as Get Up in the Morning, Exercise, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Sleep. Routine is important factor in beauty care.
* Antioxidant is repair aging and damage cell. Antioxidant present in so many fruits and vegetables such as Pomegranate (Annar) , Berries, Beet (Chukandar), Red Grapes, Carrots, Tomatoes, etc
* Do light makeup and also remove when you go to sleep.
* If you have pimples then do not prick them.

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