Soft Skin Tips

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 00:38:01

Soft Skin Tips

It is time to winter session which affects your skin. A little care will keep the winter troubles. Home remedies are helpful to maintain a healthy and soft skin. Using these natural remedies, one can stay beautiful for a longer period. Below are easy tips and techniques for making skin soft-soft in winter session.

1. Add foods that are high in omega-3 acids like flax (san), wild salmon, pumpkin (kaddu) seeds, and walnuts (akhrot), work like inner moisturizers to maintain skin soft.
2. Add foods that are high in polyphenols like green tea, chocolate, and pomegranates (annar), and strawberries. For cleaning internal organs.
3. Add foods that high in Vitamin C & E. Vitamin C foods like kiwis, guavas (jam) and Vitamin E foods like avocados, almonds (badam), olive oil, and sunflower seeds.

Home Remedies for Soft Skin :

1. Prepare paste of turmeric (haldi) powder, wheat (gehu ) flour and sesame (til) oil. Massage it for removing unwanted hair.
2. Mixed 100 ml. of tomato juice and one spoon of lemon juice. Massage this mixture to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and Soft Skinglowing.
3. Mixed 50 ml. of cold milk, one teaspoon of salt and two spoon of lime juice. Massage this mixture for cleaning the skin deeply.
4. Massage the mixture of honey and milk on the face twice in a week. This will make your skin soft-soft.
5. Mix two spoon of honey in to your bath water for soft and silky skin.
6. Cucumber (Kakdi) is a natural remedy for skin. Prepare juice of cucumber and milk. It is very effective to cleaning the skin.

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