Benefits of Coconut

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 00:42:29

Benefits of Coconut

Coconut is highly nutrition fruit and rich in fiber, vitamins, proteins and minerals. It is classified as a functional food because it provides many health benefits beyond its nutritional content. The meat of the coconut is very good in destroying intestinal parasites. Coconut water gives benefits in kidney and urinary bladder problems.

Nutrition Values: Per 100 gm.

* Protein : 3.4 gm.
* Vitamin : 3 mg.
* Calcium : 20 mg.
* Iron : 2.0 mg.
* Phosphorus : 98 mg.
* Fat : 34 gm.
* Calories : 359
* Carbohydrates : 14 gm.

Coconut Benefits:

* Crude Coconut water gives benefit in Hiccup and Nosebleed.
* Mixture of Coconut water & Cucumber juice is protecting from acne.
* Coconut oil is very beneficial in dandruff and headache.
* Remove the blood related problems by eating Coconut.
* Coconut oil gives benefits in mange and Itching.
* Regular intake of Coconut water prevents obesity.
* Coconut water is also helpful in vomiting stop.
* Coconut water helps to prevent chikungunya.

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