Indian Baby Care

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 00:53:16

Indian Baby Care

Parents are always concerned about the health of their baby. There are various methods that one uses to ensure good health of a child. Given below are the Tips for baby’s good health care.

1. Make sure that Baby wearing clothes are Dry & deeply cleaned (with Dettol water).
2. Change nappy or clothes as soon as it gets wet or on Regular basis.
3. Ensure that the baby’s nails do not grow too long, cut them on regular basis.
4. Baby massage has been a tradition in Indian society. It is believed that regular massage helps to weight gain, improves body movement and strength of baby.

Tips for Bathing:

1. Before you take your baby for bath, get everything that you need at one place like baby soap, towel, hair oil, powder etc.
2. Never leave your baby alone in water.
3. Use only gentle baby soap.
4. A soft towel or soft cloth should be used to dry your baby.
5. Bath for a newborn baby is not required on daily basis as their skin is very delicate, Sponge bath is more suitable for a baby.
6. Be very gentle while bathing your baby.

Baby Skin Care:

Your baby could suffer from various skin problems if you do not provide proper protection to the baby skin. Use products that are especially for soft and sensitive baby skin. Apply soft and gentle soap and shampoos which does not contains hard chemicals & use only branded products. Baby’s skin absorbs lotion easily so avoid strong moisturizers. According to season we should use body lotion (mild) cream for baby skin.

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