Natural Body Care

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:00:42

Natural Body Care

Everyone likes to have a beautifully maintained body. Your body is unique and you should take special care of it and have fun in accepting what you are rather than thinking what you don’t have. Get useful tips on body care from tips to toes including skin, hands, legs, eyes and more. These effective and easy to follow tips will enhance your natural beauty with the help of natural body care secrets.

Hair – Do regular cleansing, oil massage and conditioning for healthy & strong hair.

* Apply coconut oil with lemon juice and olive oil to remove dandruff.
* Use castor oil for hair growth. Egg white with curd is best conditioner for hair.
* For shiny hair wash it with tea.

Hands/Legs – Conditions of your hands/legs solely depends on the care you give them.

* Massage with mixture of olive oil & lemon juice at night daily.

* Use egg white as hand/feet mask to make the skin tight & avoid wrinkles.
* Do regular manicures/pedicures.

Eyes – The most beautiful part of our body needs special care.

* Eat spinach and use rose water (as eye drop) to prevent various eye problems.
* Apply paste of almond and milk under the eyes.
* Place slices of raw cucumber or potato over closed eyes for dark circles.

Skin – Some simple tips to keep your skin look healthier and beautiful forever.

* Apply mixture of egg white and honey to remove skin tanning.
* Honey, lemon and vegetable oil is a good moisturizer fro dry skin.
* Cucumber juice with milk acts as a very good cleanser.

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