Blood Pressure Control
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-02-13 01:08:28
Blood Pressure Control
Given below is the Tips for Blood Pressure Control :
Tip 1: Your diet should be according to plan like variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Tip 2: If you are overweight then you must lose weight. Evaluate your BMI.
Tip 3: Salty food should be avoided.
Tip 4: Regularly exercise for half an hour.
Tip 5: Avoid or minimize alcohol.
Tip 6: Relax through yoga, dance, meditation, music etc.
Tip 7: Reduce sodium and improve the potassium to sodium ratio.
Tip 8: Increase intake of vitamin C and vitamin D.
Tip 9: Take fish oil supplements.
Tip 10: Reduce stress.