Toy Safety Tips

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:15:57

Toy Safety Tips :

1. Avoid toys with sharp points and edges.
2. Avoid toys that shoot objects i.e. toy guns. As even the simpler one can cause eye injuries.
3. Buy age-appropriate toys that are best for the child playing with it.
4. Take care of child’s skills, abilities and interests before buying toys.
5. Read Instructions and warning printed carefully before purchasing toy.
6. Remember Rule: Anything that can fit into an empty toilet paper roll is a choking hazard so keep such objects out of reach of children.
7. Buy toys from suppliers with good reputation for reliable & safe toys.
8. Inspect the toy thoroughly for quality construction and loose pieces if any.

Other Tips :

Even after you have bought safety toys, it is also very important to supervise your child about how to use them. Playing with your kids teaches them how to play safely while having fun. Always keep the toys clean. Plastic toys can be washed using antibacterial soap or mild dish washing detergent with hot water but read the manufacturer’s direction before doing so.

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