Benefits of Aloe Vera

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:18:13

Benefits of Aloe Vera

From the ages, benefits of Aloe Vera plant usage are well known and appreciated. It is considered as the best medicinal plant which has no alternative. Aloe Vera is considered as one of the best solutions for skin problems, infections and other many acute/serious diseases. Aloe Vera is known by different names like “Plant of Immortality”, “Wand of Heaven” etc.

Benefits of Aloe Vera
• Drinking Aloe Vera Juice on regular basis helps to maintain body health as it provid esessential amino acids.

• It acts as a very good antibacterial and anti fungal supplement for the body. It helps in preventing fever, pneumonia. Diarrhea etc. Rub it on skin to keep it free from microbes.

• It is a very good source of vitamins like Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, and E. It provides various essential minerals to the body like iron, potassium, calcium sodium etc. Thus drinking Aloe Vera gel is natural way to keep your body fit and healthy.

• Its bacteria killing effects are useful in wounds treatment and thus help in preventing various skin infections.

• It helps to prevent diabetes as it has been proved that Aloe Vera decreases blood glucose levels.

• Pure Aloe Vera juice helps in healthy digestion, it increases protein absorption.

• It is very useful for mouth and gums. It can be used to treat mouth ulcers, blisters, canker sores, bleeding gums etc.

• It can be used as a substitute of sunscreen as it scatters rays of sunlight.

• Rub Aloe Vera gel on your scalp, it will promote hair growth.

• Take Aloe Vera juice to prevent heartburn.

• It helps to improve immune system.

• It can act as wrinkle remover and can be used to treat pimples and acne.

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