World Cancer Day

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:19:57

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day is marked on 4- February to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world.

Due to qualitative progress in Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, attack on cancer cells has become possible. Now with the use of both treatments, chance of recovery increases. Benefits of radiotherapy and surgery are equal. But note that all these methods of treatment will work only when you catch cancer in first phase. As patient enters in the second, third and fourth phase of Cancer chances of recovery reduces. In the fourth stage of cancer patients had no chance of survival but due to advanced treatments now 5 to 10% patients are alive. Cancer

Now a whole new era of cancer treatment has come. Attack on cancer cells without any side effects is possible. Most cancer patients are now getting well.

* Healthy cells are safe from chemotherapy.
* Radiology is harmless.
* Surgery is a remarkably accurate.

Types of Cancer:

* Breast Cancer
* Bladder Cancer
* Kidney Cancer
* Lung Cancer
* Prostate Cancer
* Skin Cancer

Cancer Prevention:

* No tobacco use
* A healthy diet and regular exercise
* Limited alcohol use
* Eat more leafy vegetables, gram and fruit.
* Protection against cancer-causing infections.
* Reduce sugar intake.
* Keep your body weight balanced.
* Intake salt in balanced amount.

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