Benefits of Dance Therapy

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:24:04

Benefits of Dance Therapy

Dance is one of the most beautiful arts that involve direct expression through the body. It is considered as most intimate and powerful therapy which has broad range of health benefits. Dance therapy is proved to be clinically effective for physical as well as psychological fitness.

• It is very useful for heart patients as it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is considered better option than other aerobic exercises like cycling.

Benefits of Dance Therapy

• It helps to burn calories, fats and is the best option for weight control.

• Dance therapy is useful for psychiatric patients, mentally handicapped, visually and hearing impaired ones.

• It has been used successfully for dealing with brain injury, stroke, cancer, arthritis and other physical ailments.

• It is proven useful for tackling obesity.

• It is best for people who have many kinds of emotional problems or life threatening illness.

• It is best and easy way for a person to express emotions and thus it is frequently used with rape victims and other survivors of sexual abuse.

• It is an innovative way to relax and get away from pain.

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