Back Pain Relief Tips

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:25:38

Back Pain Relief Tips

Back pain is the most common problem among adults under age of 40-45. Back pain can occur due to bad position, taking too much weight at a time, too much physical work and sitting long time in a same position. The following are tips for controlling the back pain.

1. Heating pads can help to relax from back muscles pain. Apply heat for 20 to 25 minutes at a time.
2. Massage Ice packs may also give relief from back muscle pain.
3. Overweight can increase the back pain so your weight should be balanced and muscles in better shape.

Home Remedies for Back Pain Relief

1. Add Garlic (Lahsun) in your daily food. It is an effective home remedy for back pain.
2. Mixed one spoon Honey and three spoons Dalchini powder and massage on pain area.
3. The home remedies to use for pain relief are ginger (Adrak), Turmeric (Haldi), Black Pepper (Kali Mirch). These should be in our food or soups for better results.
4. Massage Coconut oil slowly on pain area. The objective of any massage is to improve the blood circulation of the pain area.

Exercise :

Improving your position when you’re sitting, standing or sleeping. Do exercise like rotate your hips clockwise 4 times, and then rotate them anti-clockwise 4 times, Waist Twists. Daily Yoga & exercise is helpful to reducing the back pain. Exercises will increase your fitness level by promoting blood circulation and releasing muscle tightness, thus helping to nurture of your body.

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