Benefits of Green Tea

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:30:12

Benefits of Green Tea

The most common liquid consumed in the World after water is tea. There are many types of tea like Black, Green and Red Tea and these all contain antioxidants namely polyphenols. Antioxidants properties of tea are very beneficial as it helps in protection & growth of body. And out of all teas benefits of Green Tea are remarkable. It plays a vital role in maintaining good health & natural weight loss.

Health Benefits of Green Tea are as follows:

* It increases metabolism: Green tea is believed to increase the metabolism rate by 4%. The chemicals present in it enhance the fat oxidation levels and rate at which body burns calories.
* It prevents fat absorption: Studies says that green tea prevents the movement of glucose into fat cells and thus helps in reducing fat storage. It performs glucose regulation & helps to slow down rise in blood sugar after a meal.
* Helps in weight loss: Consuming 3 to 5 cups of green tea daily will help in noticeable weight loss. It burns the extra calories in body by boosting the metabolism.
* Prevents Diseases: Green tea plays an important role in protection against different types of cancers, arthritis, high cholesterol, cardiovascular and diabetes problems.
* Cures skin problems: Green tea protects the skin from harmful ultra violet radiations, and also helps in getting rid of wrinkles, blemishes and several other skin infections.

Consumption of green tea is beneficial in lot many ways. It also helps in preventing bad breath and tooth decay in addition to relieving stress. IT is a natural health drink that helps in boosting & strengthening the immune system of our body. Grow Green with Green Tea!

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