Depression and Stress

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:34:54

Depression and Stress

Stress has become part of our daily life. Each one of us face stress in life in some or the other way. But stress can become a severe problem in long run and people can develop depression after stressful events in their lives. Stress can occur as a result of either negative events like loss of job, death of close one, end of a relationship or positive events like starting new job, getting married etc. When negative reactions become more frequent and intense, people develop depression.

In life we all face innumerable situations having negative or positive impact on us. Extended periods of stress causes depression which leads to negative changes in the body. All age groups may develop depression symptoms like sadness, disturbance in sleep & eating habits, loneliness, loss of interest in daily life and even thoughts of committing suicide. Stress and depression affect one’s life and also lives of others around us. So if you are feeling stressful follow our useful tips to get relief from it.

Useful Tips :

* Try not to be lonely, in your free time you can help others or do something creative.
* Make new friends, move out with them and enjoy .
* Spend some time with caring people, they will surely encourage you.
* Try something new in life may be some new celebration ways.
* Live in present & enjoy every moment. Do not compare your today with past or future.
* Set goals in life and try to achieve them, don’t be sad and learn something from failures.
* Do not take more responsibilities than you can manage.
* Stay away or limit your alcohol consumption
* Know your capabilities, what you can and cannot do.
* Contact old friends or relatives and enjoy holidays with them.
* Enjoy acts like window shopping, watching sunset, playing with children in park, cooking or whatever gives you happiness.

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