Stop Sleep Snoring

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 01:42:07

Stop Sleep Snoring

Snoring is the noise created by mouth, nose and the throat. Snoring is a common problem these days and it gets worsened with progressive age. Mostly people joke about snoring, but actually it can create serious problems within the family. In market there are varieties of sprays, pills and tablets available that claim to prevent snore but hardly any of these work well. Instead you can try natural remedies & change lifestyle to cure the problem of snore efficiently.

Change Sleeping Position:

Snoring occurs when the body organs namely soft palate, tongue, tonsils in back of throat rub against each other, creating sound during sleep. So in such a case you should avoid lying on your back and try to sleep on your sides. Even you can raise your head by sleeping on thick pillow or multiple pillows; this can help in preventing snore.

Lose Body Weight:

Obesity is one of the major causes of snoring problems. As the neck tissues of overweight people is much bulky which increases the snoring risks in them. So try to reduce your body weight as much as you can.

Avoid Alcohol & Sedatives:

Scientifically it is proved that things causing sedation can also cause snoring problems. Sleeping pills or alcohol causes sedation and thus ultimately leads to snoring. So try avoiding such things.

Inhale Steam:

Snoring can be caused due to nasal (nose) congestion. In order to reduce congestion you can take breathing steam through nose before going to bed.

Improve Food Habits:

Change you eating habits especially before you go to bed. Avoid dairy products and other rich foods such as cakes, cookies, pizza etc. and keep your food choice simple & light before sleeping.

Besides trying above useful tips, you can also put nasal strips to reduce snoring, follow regular sleep routine, quit smoking and even consult a professional if snoring continues.

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