Rose hips

by Vinutha 2010-02-13 12:49:57

Rose hips are the seed capsules, or fruit, of the rose. Located between the stem and the petals, rose hips turn a reddish orange color when ripe. Though too tart to eat raw, rose hips are often used to make jellies and jams, syrup, tea, and wine. Rose hips are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin manufacturers grind rose hips into a powder, then compress the powder into tablets that are sold in health food stores.

Another edible part of the rose plant is the rose petals. Rose petals may be included in a fruit or vegetable salad, soup, or puree. To prepare them for a sandwich, butter them and refrigerate.

Ground or powdered, rose petals can be incorporated into all cooked foods, baked or broiled meat, casseroles, baked goods, jellies and preserves, or omelets. Finely ground or dried petals may be added to cottage cheese, sour cream, or other spreads.

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